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Commerce Pundit Chronicle |
October 2017, Issue 7 |
The main culprit for the shopping cart abandonment is the checkout process. An effective checkout process that runs smoothly and is simple and intuitive is extremely important for the conversion rate. |
Skip the mandatory signup or login
Most online sites require you to create an account or login in order to continue the checkout process. This may be the biggest dissent that results in the cart abandonment. Customers most often don't want to create an account. Their main goal is to shop. Making the membership elective and offering guest checkout is the best option. |
Offer multiple payment options
Make sure you make it easy for your customers to pay using most common payment methods. Include options like PayPal, Apple Pay and Android Pay, and make it easy to switch between them. Save the customer’s preferred method and make this method default.checkout is the best option. |
Be upfront about shipping costs
Most people will abandon their cart when they find unexpected shipping charges at the checkout. If you must add the shipping charges, fees, etc., do it upfront. What the customer hates more than paying the shipping charges is being surprised with all the charges at the end of the transaction. |
Establish trust in your transaction forms
Buying online still has some risks in terms to the data vulnerability. It is important for merchants using an online checkout to use a payments processor who can provide protection against cybercrime. Trust badges help reassure shoppers that their transaction is secure and their details are protected. |
Keep the checkout process short
Lengthier the form to fill at the checkout process, less likely is it for the customer to complete it. Ask only for the essential information that you would require for the transaction. If you ask for any extraneous information, it should be marked as “optional.” |
Effective web design and UI/UX
These factors, along with aesthetics and effective web design and a smooth and well-thought out check out process will help complete the purchase, make customers happy and boost the bottom line. |
cool stuff
Small business Saturday
American Express conceived the holiday to support the small businesses and get them more customers during the most important shopping season. It happens on the Thanksgiving weekend, the day after Black Friday. This year it will fall on November 25. Small business owners can utilize free marketing resources and event guides from as a part of their planning. In 2016, Small Business Saturday saw record 112 million shoppers, an increase by 13 percent from 2015. No wonder Small Business Saturday matters now more than ever.